[SciPy-user] ANN: SciKits Portal

Jarrod Millman millman at berkeley.edu
Tue Dec 16 05:32:07 EST 2008

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 1:55 AM, David Cournapeau
<david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp> wrote:
>> 3. I would include a quick, one paragraph blurb on the main page
>> describing the purpose of the website. There should be no mention
>> about reasons why a package is a SciKit and not part of the main SciPy
>> because most users won't care. Here's a rough idea.
>> "Welcome to the SciKits Repository, a searchable index of optional,
>> add-on toolkits (called SciKits) for the SciPy platform. SciKits share
>> the common ``scikits`` namespace but are independently managed and
>> licensed under terms of the owner's choosing. SciKits cover a broad
>> spectrum of application domains including financial computation, audio
>> processing, geosciences, computer vision, engineering, machine
>> learning, medical computing, bioinformatics. Each SciKit has a detail
>> page with a description for it, its licensing terms, installation
>> instructions, and documentation."
> I think this is a nice description. Maybe mentioning that it is our own
> set of toolboxes ala R may be added ?

Damian's paragraph blurb looks good, I would make one change to
licensing terms to make it clear that all scikits are opensource.
Rather than stating that "independently managed and licensed under
terms of the owner's choosing" it should say something like
"independently managed and licensed under an OSI-approved open source
license (http://www.opensource.org/)."

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