[SciPy-user] Still having plotting issue with latest svnscikits.timeseries

Dharhas Pothina Dharhas.Pothina at twdb.state.tx.us
Wed Dec 10 13:55:22 EST 2008

Hi Pierre,

The culprit seems to be the .fill_missing_dates() method. If I comment that out my plots are fine and if I use it I have the problems I mentioned. 

> Since I can plot after converting using .asfreq this isn't too much  

Disregard my comment about .asfreq working I'm unable to reproduce it now. .convert only works when converting to a lower frequency.

> Which is a strong hint that the dates get messed up before you plot.  
> Are you trying to plot several series with different frequencies ?

I am plotting a single series.

> A bug is always possible, but I would tend to think it's a misuse of  
> the function on your side here. Then, of course, the doc could be  
> clearer.

understood. Just wanted to clarify which it is.

> OK, thx for the dataset, but please, don't copy-paste directly from  
> ipython. Just send us the commands, without a prompt (the In[...]), in  
> a script if you prefer. Right now, I don't have time to spend on  

Sorry about that. I've attached a script called test.py and the data JDM3_short.txt

- dharhas
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