[SciPy-user] Usage of PyDSTool

Mico Filós elmico.filos at gmail.com
Sat Aug 9 18:08:48 EDT 2008

Thanks Rob for your quick answer.

> Of course I don't expect anyone to learn how things work
> from the main modules, but there are many simple examples of all the
> basic tasks in these scripts. I know it's not a tutorial, but most of
> them are well commented and include screen output and graphs.
You are absolutely right. Much of the documentation is already there.
It is only a matter of making more visible. I think your idea of
copying onto the wiki the input & output of the demos is a good

> Is the problem that the directory is called > 'tests' when maybe it should be called 'examples' or 'demos'?
It may seem a stupid detail, but I think this would help.

> Most of the scripts in /tests show the different ways that a dynamical system can be specified.
Yes, you are right. The problem is that in /tests there are many
different examples with different levels of difficulty, and one may
not know where to start first. I will try to think of a possible
sequence of examples.

Again, thanks for your help.

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