[SciPy-user] interactive work with extension modules

Steve Schmerler elcorto at gmx.net
Mon Aug 4 11:04:56 EDT 2008

Hi all

I've read in the scipy and IPython archives that Python cannot reload extension
modules (C and Fortran). So if I change and re-compile my extension and do
    >>> reload(foo) 
    >>> foo.some_function(args)

in the [i]python shell, there is no change to "foo". Even

    >>> del foo
    >>> import foo
    >>> foo.some_function(args)

does not change the module foo in the interactive session (why?). So, I'd like
to hear how people develop/test extensions interactively, then. The only thing
seems to be using a script which imports foo. 

    import foo

But here, I can't pass `args` interactively anymore. This would effectively
kill all interactive work.  Any thoughts?    


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