[SciPy-user] Non-negative least squares method

dmitrey dmitrey.kroshko at scipy.org
Thu Apr 10 15:41:27 EDT 2008

Bing wrote:
> Hi Jeevan,
>    I have a  python wrapper of the following NNLS implementation
>      http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~suvrit/work/progs/nnls.html 
> <http://www.cs.utexas.edu/%7Esuvrit/work/progs/nnls.html>
> after asking the same question in this mailing list.  (google "scipy 
> NNLS")
> Klaus Schuch also kindly sent me his implementation in numpy.
> If you would like to try my implementation, please let me know.
> Bing
Afaik (mb I'm wrong) NNLS is just a successor of bvls (latter can handle 
lb-ub while former non-zeros only).

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