[SciPy-user] Getting scipy.stats.models to work on Windows

Wes McKinney wesmckinn at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 14:42:24 EDT 2008

I'm trying to distance myself from using R for my research work, and
unfortunately I need to use Windows. I have been able to get the svn version
scipy to work on my OS X machine, but on Windows the scipy.stats.models
regression models simply hang when I try to use them, ex, from test_rlm.py :

>>> from numpy.random import standard_normal as W
>>> X = W((40,10))
>>> import scipy.stats.models.rlm as rlm
>>> rlm(design=X)

--> Python freezes

Tried using stable (Numpy 1.0.4, scipy 0.6.0) releases and full latest SVN
builds for both to no avail. Anyone have any luck with this?

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