[SciPy-user] arrays mean & NaN...

eric eric at enthought.com
Sat Sep 8 14:42:48 EDT 2007

Travis O., Robert K.,and I were discussing adding nanmean, etc.to the 
nanmin, nanmax methods early this week...

Sounds like others might find this useful as well.


fred wrote:
> Hi,
> When I compute the mean of several arrays (the mean is an array),
> and if one of several of these arrays has NaN in a given cell, the
> mean of this cell is also NaN.
> I would like to have the mean of the all non-NaN is this cell.
> How could I do this ?
> PS: To be more efficient, I don't mind if it is not the "right" mean, ie 
> divided by the real
> number of non-NaN, but the number of arrays.
> But, just curious, I'm also interested by a solution for the right mean ;-)
> Cheers,

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