[SciPy-user] Subject: Re: Scientific Python publications

jaropis jaropis at gazeta.pl
Mon Oct 29 14:41:02 EDT 2007

> Maybe Jarek could send us or post on his website a copy of a previous
> version of the paper. These are not covered usually by the (abusive)
> copyright of the Journal

No problem - the copyright agreement gives me the right to post it on my
website, so here it is:


The animation, all figures and all calculations were done in Python
(+Scilab+Pylab), but obviously this is not a programming paper and Python
is a research tool here (which I think is the goal of the creators of the
wonderful language and libraries). Unfortunately there is only code for
Matlab - just a few one-liners. In HRV (heart rate variability) research
most people use Matlab and hardly anyone even knows about Python. I am
trying to advertise Python, but the paper would not have been accepted with
code in Python. 

Of course the paper clearly says that the calculations were done in Python. 


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