[SciPy-user] Caveat About integrate.odeint

Lorenzo Isella lorenzo.isella at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 05:55:50 EDT 2007

Dear All,
I do not know if what I am going to write is really useful (maybe it
is pretty obvious for everybody on this list).
I have been using integrate.odeint for quite a while to solve some
population equations.
Then I made a trivial change (nothing leading to different physics or
in general such as to justify any substantial difference with the
previous results), and I woke up in a nightmare: precision errors,
routine crashing etc...
I think I now what happened: in my code I was using t [time], T(t)
[time-dependent temperature], t_0 (initial time) and T_0 (initial
For Python there is no possibility of confusion, but the underlying
Fortran made a mess out of this...
Something very trivial, but it took me a day and a half to debug this.
Hope it was useful.


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