[SciPy-user] running scipy code simultaneously on several machines

Kurt Smith kwmsmith at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 00:45:51 EDT 2007

On 10/12/07, Brian Granger <ellisonbg.net at gmail.com> wrote:
> Mentioned below by Jarrod, IPython1 is probably the best solution for
> this.  Here is the simplest parallel implementation in IPython1:
> In [1]: import ipython1.kernel.api as kernel
> In [2]: rc = kernel.RemoteController(('',10105))
> In [3]: rc.getIDs()
> Out[3]: [0, 1, 2, 3]

Hi all:

I installed everything to ipython1's liking, and here is what I get
running the above code:

ksmith at laptop:~/Devel/python/ipython1
[183]$ ipython
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Sep 21 2007, 22:12:00)
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IPython 0.8.2.svn.r2750 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
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In [1]: import ipython1.kernel.api as kernel

In [2]: rc = kernel.RemoteController(('',10105))

In [3]: rc.getIDs()
[snip traceback]
ConnectionError: Error connecting to the server, please recreate the client.
The original internal error was:
error(61, 'Connection refused')

I'm sure it's something really simple, but I don't know what.
Pointers?  I'm on a MacBook, 10.4.10, python 2.5.1, ipython1 from svn.

Thanks for any help you can give -- googling turned up nothing.


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