[SciPy-user] fromimage returns instance instead of numpy array

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Wed Oct 10 02:29:17 EDT 2007

On Tue, 9 Oct 2007, Zachary Pincus apparently wrote:
> My current solution is a fork of PIL that I made, which 
> rips out basically everything except image IO, and for 
> which I fixed the 16- bit image problems and drastically 
> beefed up the numpy compatibility.  I'd be happy to send 
> this to anyone who desires, or if there was a specific 
> clamor, make it a scikit or something. Is there any 
> interest regarding that either? 

Is Pythonware not interested in the fixes?
IMO, making this available as a SciKit is desirable
only if the better solution, a fixed PIL, is not

Alan Isaac

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