[SciPy-user] Problem: Quadrature - causes printing in function call.

Lou Pecora lou_boog2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 9 17:57:20 EDT 2007

I am using the scipy.integrate function 'quadrature'.
(Python 2.4, scipy version  '').

The function seems to work so far, but it causes a
print out (to stdout) of the number of points the
quadrature calculation took.  E.g.:

Took 35 points.

This seems to be happening internal to the quadrature
function and I don't see how to turn it off.  Does
anyone know how to turn it off or can anyone 'correct'
the problem -- maybe it's a relic of a debugging
session when it was written?

Thanks for any help.

-- Lou Pecora,   my views are my own.

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