[SciPy-user] savitsky-golay smoothing filter?

massimo sandal massimo.sandal at unibo.it
Thu Oct 4 16:31:45 EDT 2007

Christian Meesters ha scritto:
> I was the one posting the first snippet there (btw. thanks for pointing
> out the limitation that one can only reasonably apply it if the vector
> starts and end at zero). Before posting I asked Andrew Dalke, whose web
> page is linked on top of the snippet and he said (don't have his mail
> anymore, but that's the digest): 'go ahead and post your adaptation'.
> This is also my attitude: It's a cookbook and just by posting there IMHO
> I lost all 'rights' on that snippet. I wouldn't post a snippet, if I
> wouldn't think it's nice if others are using it. 

Yes, that's what I would assume it's logical. But today copyrights, 
licences etc. are always traps, even in the free software world.

> The algorithm is
> published anyway.

But the code is a different thing :)

> So, go ahead and I hope it's useful for your application! (Though I
> don't take any responsibility for the correctness of that snippet, of
> course. Should have corrected it myself ...)



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