[SciPy-user] OS X users - Please try multiple scipy.test() runs

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Tue Oct 2 03:48:42 EDT 2007

I have ported the veclib support from scipy.linalg to
scipy.lib.blas. I cannot test it myself. So, anyone
on OSX who had problems with scipy.lib, could you
execute the following commands:

cd svn/scipy/scipy/lib/blas
python setup.py build
python tests/test_fblas.py

to see if tests pass or if there are any compiler errors?


David Cournapeau wrote:
> Steve Lianoglou wrote:
>> On Sep 27, 2007, at 2:24 PM, Tom Loredo wrote:
>>> All you have to do is start Python, import scipy, and run
>>> scipy.test() *multiple times*:
>> Ran the test 20 times ... no segfault, only one error in the  
>> check_dot function (as mentioned by Christopher)
> The error cause bad memory access, so the error, while reproducible 
> sometimes, does not crash all the time: it is really configuration 
> dependant.
> Before the problem is fixed, a temporary would be to disable scipy.lib, 
> since you are not likely to need it: just comment the line which import 
> lib in scipy/setup.py inside scipy sources:
> config.add_subpackage('lib') -> #config.add_subpackage('lib')
> cheers,
> David
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