[SciPy-user] install numpy/scipy with Intel Compilers

rex rex at nosyntax.net
Tue Nov 27 10:40:00 EST 2007

David M. Cooke <cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca> [2007-11-27 05:54]:
>I'm guessing that numpy.distutils isn't able to tell  
>whether your compiler is intele or not. From numpy/distutils/fcompiler/ 
>intel.py, the command run to find the version is
>$ ifort -FI -V -c dummy.f -o dummy.o
>where dummy.f is just a file with a dummy subroutine in it. Could you  
>do this and give us the output?

Hello David,

No Itanium here, but this is the output of the 32-bit version.
$ ifort -FI -V -c foo.f -o foo.o
Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for applications running on IA-32, Version 10.1    Build 20070913 Package ID: l_fc_p_10.1.008
Copyright (C) 1985-2007 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

 Intel Fortran 10.0-2024

There's a distutils problem using Intel's MKL in NumPy-1.04 and
NumPy SVN 4510 (and below). 

In MKL 9.1 & 10.0, mkl_lapack32 & mkl_lapack64 no longer
exist. They were replaced by /32/mkl_lapack and
/64/mkl_lapack. As a result,
needs to be changed:

class lapack_mkl_info(mkl_info):

    def calc_info(self):
        mkl = get_info('mkl')
        if not mkl:
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            lapack_libs = self.get_libs('lapack_libs',['mkl_lapack'])
            #lapack_libs = self.get_libs('lapack_libs',['mkl_lapack32','mkl_lapack64'])
            lapack_libs = self.get_libs('lapack_libs',['mkl_lapack'])

If this change is not made NumPy builds, but the MKL is not
used. I reported this problem earlier on the NumPy list. 


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