[SciPy-user] fortran compiler not found Mac Leopard 10.5

Steve Lianoglou lists.steve at arachnedesign.net
Mon Nov 12 16:02:48 EST 2007

> I am using the builtin python.  I did build numpy myself from svn, but
> it looks like python is using builtin version.  How can I make it use
> my compiled version instead?
> I will take a look at the pythonmac-sig email list and see what is
> known about scipy on Leopard.

If I remember correctly, you have to setup your PYTHONPATH envi var to  
include the libraries in /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages before the  
ones that are installed into the system path (which I think are buried  
somewhere in /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/...).

(The normal `python setup.py install` command will drop then into  / 

Also, FWIW, I've had better luck using the gfortran binary from:

Over the one that I think is suggested at the tutorial (from  
hpc.sf.net) even though they haven't been upgraded for Leopard yet  
(which I don't think they even need to be).


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