[SciPy-user] APL2007: Arrays and Objects

Steven H. Rogers steve at shrogers.com
Sun May 27 19:05:59 EDT 2007

I'd like to see some NumPy/SciPy participation in this.  I'm thinking of 
submitting a "Python as a Tool of Thought" paper, playing off of Ken 
Iverson's Turing Award Lecture "Notation as a Tool of Thought".  A 
NumPy/SciPy tutorial would be valuable as well.

# Steve

Announcing APL2007, Montreal, October 21-23

The APL 2007 conference, sponsored by ACM SIGAPL,
has as its principal theme "Arrays and Objects" and,
appropriately, is co-located with OOPSLA 2007, in
Montreal this October.

APL 2007 starts with a tutorial day on Sunday, October 21, followed by a
two-day program on Monday and Tuesday, October 22 and 23.

APLers are welcome to attend OOPSLA program events on Monday and Tuesday
(and OOPSLA attendees are welcome to come to APL program events).

Registrants at APL 2007 can add full OOPSLA attendance at a favorable 


    Sunday              Oct 21       Tutorials
    Monday, Tuesday     Oct 22,23    APL 2007 program
    Monday-Friday       Oct 22-26    OOPSLA program

APL 2007 keynote speaker:  Guy Steele, Sun Microsystems Laboratories


    Using objects within APL

    Array language practicum

    Intro to [language] for other-language users
    ( We expect that there will be at least one introductory
      tutorial on "classic" APL, and hope to have introductions
      to a variety of array languages )

We solicit papers and proposals for tutorials, panels and workshops on
all aspects of array-oriented programming and languages; this year we
have particular interest in the themes of

     integrating the use of arrays and objects

     languages that support the use of arrays as a
     central and thematic technique

     marketplace and education:  making practitioners aware of
     array thinking and array languages

Our interest is in the essential use of arrays in programming in any
language (though our historical concern has been the APL family of 
languages:  classic APL, J, K, NIAL, ....).


    Tutorial, panel, and workshop proposals, and notice of intent to
    submit papers, are due by Friday June 15, to the Program Chair.

    Contributed papers, not more than 10 pages in length, are due
    by Monday, July 23, to the Program Chair.  Details of form of
    submission can be obtained from the program chair.

    Deadline for detailed tutorial/panel/workshop information TBA.

Cost (to SIGAPL and ACM members, approximate $US, final cost TBA)

    APL2007 registration     $375
    Tutorial day             $250
    Single conference days   $200

Social events:        Opening reception Monday
                      Others TBA

Conference venue:     Palais de Congres, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA
Conference hotel:     Hyatt Regency Montreal


   General Chair     Guy Laroque          Guy.Laroque at nrcan.gc.ca
   Program Chair     Lynne C. Shaw        Shaw at ACM.org
   Treasurer         Steven H. Rogers     Steve at SHRogers.com

   Publicity         Mike Kent            MKent at ACM.org


   APL2007                  http://www.sigapl.org/apl2007
   OOPSLA 2007              http://www.oopsla.org/oopsla2007
   Palais de Congres        http://www.congresmtl.com/
   Hyatt Regency Montreal   http://montreal.hyatt.com

   Guy Steele            http://research.sun.com/people/mybio.php?uid=25706

   ACM SIGAPL            http://www.sigapl.org

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