[SciPy-user] f2py on x86_64 arch and intel C compiler...

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Fri May 25 03:53:25 EDT 2007

fred wrote:
> Pearu Peterson a écrit :
>> fred wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As I use on my x86_64 arch linux box, I have to use -fPIC arg to the 
>>> intel C compiler.
>> This should be fixed in numpy/distutils/fcompiler/intel.py file.
> For which release ? I get numpy 1.0.2 and this is not the case.

Sorry, I was not clear due to my bad English. I meant that the
problem must be fixed in the given file.

>>> Anyway, I don't see any option to pass to f2py to set this.
>> This is because usually distutils should take care of this.
> So can I say it fails ? Or not ?

I think it might be related to how the python is compiled, see also
note below.

>>> How can I do that ?
>>> PS1: for intel fortran compiler on x86_64, you have to use 
>>> --fcompiler=intelem
>>> but intelem is not a known parameter for  --compiler option. What's the 
>>> problem ?
>> --compiler is for specifying C compiler, use --fcompiler instead.
> No ;-)
> I do want to use --compiler f2py option because I do want to use intel C 
> compiler with f2py.

Ah, ok. See the output of `setup.py build_ext --help-compiler` for the
valid compiler types for --compiler=. Note that when you are trying
to use Intel compiler as C compiler then your Python should be
compiled with Intel compiler as well. If not then you are pretty
much alone with all the issues that can merge from trying to
mix C object codes generated with different C compilers.


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