[SciPy-user] f2py and ifort flags...

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Thu May 24 04:58:52 EDT 2007

fred wrote:
> Hi,
> 1) To compile my fortran code, I use the command line:
> ifort call_func.f -limf -Wl,--rpath 
> -Wl,/usr/local/share/intel/fc/9.1.045/lib funcs.o -o call_func_f
> which works fine.
> 2) I want to use the same trick with f2py. So, from f2py manpage, my 
> Makefile looks like:
> IFCVER = 9.1.045
> PATH = /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/share/intel/fc/$(IFCVER)/bin
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH_INTEL = /usr/local/share/intel/fc/$(IFCVER)/lib
> LDFLAGS = -limf -Wl,--rpath -Wl,$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH_INTEL)
> OPTIMIZATION = -O3 -xT -ipo
> all: funcs.o calc_KM.so calc_KV.so calc_output.so
> funcs.o: funcs.c
>         gcc -Wall funcs.c -c -o funcs.o
> calc_KM.so: calc_KM.f funcs.o
>         f2py --fcompiler=intel --opt="$(OPTIMIZATION)" 
> --f90flags="$(LDFLAGS)" -c calc_KM.f funcs.o -m calc_KM
> .../...
> but this has no effect, ie intel libs are not linked.
> What am I doing wrong ?

--f90flags are used in compilation of fortran codes, not when
linking. For linking libraries use `-lname` and `-Lpath`
in f2py command line. But note that numpy/distutils/fcompiler/intel.py
should take care of linking intel compiler libraries. If it does not
work for your compiler, try to fix intel.py and send us your changes.


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