[SciPy-user] Scipy / matplotlib to replace matlab and indexes

Giorgio Luciano giorgio.luciano at chimica.unige.it
Mon May 7 08:43:37 EDT 2007

Thanks to Steph for the answer here reported.
I belong to the Don Chisciotte group of people that is trying to teach 
people to use numpy/scipy and I'm switching from matlab. (my main field 
is chemometrics). As already reported there are lot of question to 
answer to people that generally use windows and want a one file 
installation or need an enviroment for working more "matlabish" (there 
are some in alpha dev and they promise good).
I hope to keep in touch with other learner and if people want we can 
create a small Don Chisciotte group for teachin numpy/scipy (well very 
monty python like... since terry gilliam struggle a lot of years trying 
to finish the film ;)
 and about Phan,
Steph IMHO was really polite, just wrote that sometime Enthough doesn't 
work well for him..it's just a comment nothing more.. He found a way for 
solving his problem and shared the solution.. We all know that 
Enthough's guys are great ;)

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