[SciPy-user] Numerical Achievements in SciPy

David L Goldsmith David.L.Goldsmith at noaa.gov
Tue May 1 13:55:02 EDT 2007

Rob Clewley wrote:
> On 01/05/07, David Goldsmith <David.L.Goldsmith at noaa.gov> wrote:
>> Don't we have a wiki that could host this sort of thing, i.e., so that
>> individuals who want to submit such packages can just do so @ their leisure?
>> DG
> I think the OP was talking about a repository for the software itself,
> not just a link. But in my opinion that's what free hosters such as
> sourceforge are for, and a wiki page such as
> http://www.scipy.org/Topical_Software
> is the place to encourage people to share their wares.  For instance,
> that wiki page has a section on electromagnetic problems.
> -Rob
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I agree that SF could be considered for hosting the software, but since 
we've started using Trac where I work, I've begun to think of wiki pages 
as more than just html containers.  FWIW,


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