[SciPy-user] SciPy-user Digest, Vol 43, Issue 9

Paul Ray paul.ray at nrl.navy.mil
Tue Mar 6 12:02:19 EST 2007

On Mar 6, 2007, at 11:51 AM, scipy-user-request at scipy.org wrote:

> It is easy enough to just pull interp out.  Some of the functions  
> in arrayfns are in numpy.lib already (in the _compiled_base.c module.
> Perhaps we could put interp in there as well (it doesn't look too  
> big).  A simple 1-d interpolation would probably be a useful thing  
> to have in NumPy.   What do others think?

It sounds good to me.  I often have to regrid irregularly spaced data  
onto a uniform grid, which I use interpolate.splrep and  
interpolate.splev from scipy to do.  This is often the only  
dependency on scipy in my codes that otherwise use only numpy.  I'd  
love having a 1-d interp in numpy.


-- Paul

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