[SciPy-user] [Fwd: Re: Computing eigenvalues by trace minimization]

Dominique Orban dominique.orban at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 11:10:39 EDT 2007

Nils Wagner wrote:

>>>>from pysparse import *
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>   File "/usr/local/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/pysparse/__init__.py",
> line 4, in <module>
>     from spmatrix import *
> ImportError: No module named spmatrix
> Any pointer how to fix this problem would be appreciated.

Could it be related to the recent namespace change in Pysparse? Now you have to say

	from pysparse import spmatrix

instead of

	import spmatrix

By the way, I didn't realize that Pysparse was available in Scipy. Is it now an 
'official' component?


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