[SciPy-user] Problems compiling scipy on SuSE 10.2

rex rex at nosyntax.net
Sat Jun 16 12:18:04 EDT 2007

David Cournapeau <david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp> [2007-06-16 07:15]:
> After, do as before. Note that you still does not use atlas as shared 
> library, but this should make things work anyway for scipy. According to 
> rex, using my script garnumpy made life easier for openSUSE:
> http://www.ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp/members/david/archives/garnumpy-0.2.1.tbz2
> This will download, configure and build a self contained scipy and all 
> its dependencies (netlib blas/lapack by default, but you can use atlas 
> instead by uncommenting the necessary lines in the gar.conf.mk file, as 
> mentionned in the README).

The url is:


As a test of the default settings, I created a newuser, downloaded the
above file into newuser/, and:

tar -xjvf garnumpy-0.2.1.tbz2
cd garnumpy-0.2.1
cd platform/scipy
make install

It completed the build & lengthy test process w/o errors. I was very
pleasantly surprised that the default settings resulted in a successful
build. What a change from the painful manual process! David, thank you
very much for this contribution to the community. It promises to be a
very useful tool, especially for new users.

One small change needs to be made if you run Python2.5.

In startgarnumpy.sh, the line


needs to be changed to 



source startgarnumpy.sh

The system is a Core 2 Duo running 32-bit openSUSE 10.2 &
Python2.5. Next, I plan to experiment changing the defaults to match the
hardware better.

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