[SciPy-user] another (little) installation problem

Volker Lorrmann lorrmann at physik.uni-wuerzburg.de
Wed Jun 13 09:56:37 EDT 2007

Hello everybody,

i´m trying to get scipy build. I´ve installed python-numpy and atlas
with lapack support without any problems.
"python setup.py build" fails with

building extension "scipy.fftpack._fftpack" sources
   target build/src.linux-i686-2.5/_fftpackmodule.c does not exist:
    Assuming _fftpackmodule.c was generated with "build_src --inplace"
error: '_fftpackmodule.c' missing

Is there an easy workaround? Do you need some more informations? I´ve
added the whole output.

Thanks so far


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