[SciPy-user] Announcement: VFGEN

Warren Weckesser wweckesser at mail.colgate.edu
Sun Jun 3 13:55:12 EDT 2007

Dear SciPy users:

I would like to let the users of the SciPy ODE solvers know about
a tool that I have developed called VFGEN.  VFGEN is a program
that takes a specification of a vector field (in other words, a
system of differential equations) and generates source code for a
wide variety of ODE solvers and other numerical tools.  VFGEN
includes a command for generating Python code to be used with the
SciPy ODEINT function.

You can find the program here:

Comments, corrections, and requests for enhancements would all be

Best regards,

Warren Weckesser

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