[SciPy-user] Numpy/Scipy on AIX

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Sun Jul 29 11:33:55 EDT 2007

David Cournapeau wrote:

> scipy cannot compile lapack by itself.

yes, it can. Just define env. variables BLAS_SRC, LAPACK_SRC
pointing to blas, lapack source directories, respectively.
If there are some blas or lapack libraries lying
around in the system  then one must also set BLAS=None, LAPACK=None, 
ATLAS=None so that numpy.distutils will not pick up the unwanted libraries.

 > I don't know the exact process in
> this case, but scipy has a "lite" lapack as a fall back; I am not 100 % 
> sure, though.

Did you mean numpy? numpy has lite lapack, not scipy.

> There is a pretty good chance that the LAPACK you compiled has something 
> wrong: LAPACK is difficult to compile correctly when you want to use it 
> in a non Fortran environment; at least it is on Linux. Did you test LAPACK ?
> LAPACK 3.1.1 causes problems with scipy at the moment, too, so I 
> recommend you to compile the version 3.0 (beware though, you should NOT 
> use the BLAS from LAPACK 3.0, because it is buggy). If I were you, I 
> would do this first: compile LAPACK 3.0 with the AIX BLAS, and compile 
> the testers and run them (doing a make lapack_testing should be enough).

I have fixed the problems with LAPACK 3.1.1 recently. Just use numpy
from SVN and scipy should compile fine with LAPACK 3.1.1.


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