[SciPy-user] pynetcdf crashing on Python 2.5

Bill Dandreta wjdandreta at att.net
Wed Jul 18 21:10:07 EDT 2007

A shot in the dark. Maybe python has an optional compile time switch to 
include ssl support?


Mary Haley wrote:
> Robert, sorry, you're right, this isn't a NumPy issue, but it
> manifested itself when I tried to build NumPy. I built Python 2.5 (I
> thought successfully), and then when I tried to build NumPy 1.0.3 I
> got the error:
>     ImportError: No module named _md5
> I googled this left and right, and it turns out that when I built
> Python 2.5, some module (hashlib?) didn't get built, possibly because
> it's expecting some particular version of SSL, and I happen to have a
> different version. Python 2.5 is working for me, but I can't build
> NumPy because it depends on "_md5" which I believe is dependent
> on "hashlib".
> I'm still trying to figure thins out. I would be great if I could 
> have NumPy bypass this somehow, because I don't think there's
> a fix for this on the Python 2.5 end.
> --Mary
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2007, Robert Kern wrote:
>> Mary Haley wrote:
>>> [I haven't gone public with this release yet, because I'm having
>>> difficulty trying to build NumPy 1.0.3 on a Linux box that has a newer
>>> version of the SSL libraries than what I think NumPy 1.0.3 is
>>> expecting.]
>> SSL? numpy has nothing to do with SSL.
>> -- 
>> Robert Kern
>> "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
>> that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
>> an underlying truth."
>>  -- Umberto Eco
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wjdandreta at att.net

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