[SciPy-user] pynetcdf crashing on Python 2.5

Mary Haley haley at ucar.edu
Wed Jul 18 19:02:44 EDT 2007

Hi Ryan,

Somebody told me about this thread, and I thought I'd jump in and
offer another solution.  We have a software package called PyNIO that
is based on Konrad Hinsen's Scientific.IO.netCDF package, only it also
handles GRIB1, GRIB2, HDF SDS 4, and netCDF 4 classic files.

I just finished building a set of PyNIO V1.2.0 binaries under Python
2.4.4 and Python 2.5, supporting both NumPy 1.0.3 and Numeric 24-2. If
you are interested in trying PyNIO, drop me a line.

[I haven't gone public with this release yet, because I'm having
difficulty trying to build NumPy 1.0.3 on a Linux box that has a newer
version of the SSL libraries than what I think NumPy 1.0.3 is

You can see some PyNIO documentation at:




> Bill Dandreta wrote:
> > I don't know if this has any bearing on your problem but Python 2.5 is 
> > hard masked on Gentoo do to problems on 64 bit systems with packages 
> > depending on numeric.
> > 
> Thanks, but, yeah, I am aware of that. (I did my research before 
> unmasking it.  It's driven me nuts that a stable python release has been 
> waiting 10+ months to get into my "cutting edge" distro.)  There weren't 
> any bugs against the packages I use, though I have found that plugins 
> for gedit 2.16 don't like python, but this has been fixed in 2.18.  One 
> of the reasons I originally chose pynetcdf was its support for numpy, 
> not Numeric, so that's not the issue here.
> Ryan
> -- 
> Ryan May
> Graduate Research Assistant
> School of Meteorology
> University of Oklahoma

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