[SciPy-user] [OT] advice about publishing a scientific software

massimo sandal massimo.sandal at unibo.it
Mon Jul 16 10:50:33 EDT 2007

Alan G Isaac ha scritto:
> This is the kind of thing that would be good for the 
> projected SciPy journal.  It might be appropriate for
> JStatSoft http://www.jstatsoft.org/, although that has
> traditionally had a bias toward R.

Well, its peculiarity is surely not in being a strong statistical 
package, but in being one of the few software packages for force 
spectroscopy analysis (and most probably the first one being both open 
source and plugin-capable). I don't feel J.Stat.Soft. would be right, 
but maybe I'm wrong.


Massimo Sandal
University of Bologna
Department of Biochemistry "G.Moruzzi"

snail mail:
Via Irnerio 48, 40126 Bologna, Italy

massimo.sandal at unibo.it

tel: +39-051-2094388
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