[SciPy-user] calling scipy methods from fortran code...

fred fredmfp at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 13:59:09 EDT 2007

Gnata Xavier a écrit :
> Hi,
> "- loops are "forbidden" in python code; "
> Well ok loop are slow in python but if each llinalg.solve() takes a 
> significant amount of time, you may just want to use a python loop.
> Anyway, calling scipy methods from fortran looks funny because scipy is 
> based on fortran routines. Maybe you should have a direct look at lapack.
Ok, you're right.
But I was looking for something easy & ready-to-use, so I thought about 
scipy calls.

Anyway, I prefer to use intel MKL and its symmetric undefinite matrix 
but this is another story...



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