[SciPy-user] scipy.optimise.lbfgsb /bounded optimization help

Simon Burton simon at arrowtheory.com
Sat Jan 27 17:02:50 EST 2007

On Sat, 27 Jan 2007 15:38:42 -0600
Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Does anyone have any example code that uses the "lbfgsb" optimization 
> > algorithm?  I have a function of two variables that is bounded to the 
> > positive half-space and would like to use lbfgsb to minimize two variables. 
> > i have tried to get it working for a 2 variable function case but have been 
> > unsuccessful.  any example code would help me.
> You mean that your function f maps
>         f
>   RR^2 ---> RR^2
> ?

I read it as, f:R^2 -> R, but f(x,y) is constrained to y>=0.


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