[SciPy-user] Scipy web site Cookbook example *will* run now

Bryce Hendrix bhendrix at enthought.com
Wed Jan 24 15:06:03 EST 2007

We (Enthought) have a released a few versions, and the numpy/scipy 
versions are different in each of these. We are in the process of 
migrating towards an egg-based distribution where the version of numpy 
isn't set in stone. Knowing which version of python and which version of 
numpy you were using would help us determine if it was an old pre-1.0.0 
version of numpy or one of the newer versions.

In the future, if you'd like to use the eggs we have built, you can 
download our installer application at 
http://code.enthought.com/enstaller, or you can download individual eggs 
at http://code.enthought.com/enstaller/eggs.


zunzun at zunzun.com wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 01:26:23PM -0600, Robert Kern wrote:
>> Can you tell us what error messages you got?
> numpy is too old.  Just run the example on the scipy.org page
> http://scipy.org/Cookbook/OLS, the file URL is at the very
> top of the page where it says "To see the class in action
> download the ols.py file" - that file is all you need to test.
>      James
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