[SciPy-user] Scipy web site Cookbook example will not run?

Byan Van de Ven bryanv at enthought.com
Wed Jan 24 11:43:46 EST 2007

It seems to run fine for me. The only difference from the example is 
that file that actually downloads is named ols.0.1.py, which I had to 
rename to ols.py before trying "import ols".

zunzun at zunzun.com wrote:
> Can anyone get the Scipy web site Cookbook example
> http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/OLS to run?  I can't,
> and would very much like to add the fit statistics to the
> Python Equations package http://sf.net/projects/pythonequations.
> I tried on Linux and XP, re-installing the latest Enthought
> Python on my XP box.
> Just having the example run is enough for me.
>      James
>      http://zunzun.com
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