[SciPy-user] Callback feature for iterative solvers

Ed Schofield edschofield at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 09:35:09 EST 2007

On 1/23/07, Nils Wagner <nwagner at iam.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> Please find attached my modified iterative.py. The output of my test is
> attached as well.
> python -i test_callback.py yields
> iter_ 1
> ||A.x - b|| = 2.04635901219
> iter_ 1
> ||A.x - b|| = 2.04635901219
> iter_ 1
> ||A.x - b|| = 0.528173459455


Yeah, so iter_ doesn't increase monotonically. We probably want to call the
callback function only once per iteration -- whenever iter_ increases. I've
added a check for this and checked it into SVN for bicg(), bicgstab(), cg(),
cgs(), gmres(), and qmr(). I've also added some unit tests based on your
test case.

So the iterative solvers now support callback functions. If anyone runs into
any problems, please shout!

-- Ed
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