[SciPy-user] QME-Dev Workbench (wxSciPy) Alpha release

Robert VERGNES robert.vergnes at yahoo.fr
Fri Jan 19 10:27:28 EST 2007


I hope to have an Alpha release this week-end.
A site has been opened ( but it is under construction) at:

Those interested in the workbench will be able to test it.
And participate (? everybody disappeared ;-)) ) .

I am struggling a bit .... with the CVS/ftp access at sourceforge, It migh be easier for me to send by email the alpha version to people interested - in the case that I do not find an easy solution to access  sourceforge for upload.(anybody can help? winscp not connecting)

About what is needed to run this wxSciPy workbench you will need : Python 2.5 or higher..., SciPy (and numpy), PyLab(math plot lib) and wxPython 2.8 . and any other package you want to use in the shell(s).
It will be slow for load/save as for debug I use save/load data in ascii format. So for large matrix... it takes some time (say matrix  > 1000x100). But we will switch to binary to speed-up the load/save process soon.

Best Regards


Matthew Vernon <matthew at sel.cam.ac.uk> a écrit : 
On 18 Jan 2007, at 13:56, John Hassler wrote:

> To be still more fair, Scilab should be compared to Matlab, not  
> Python.  Scilab (free) doesn't have the polish of Matlab  
> (expensive), but is as usable as Matlab for a very wide range of  
> problems.  In fact, I like the structure of Scilab much better than  
> that of Matlab and its abominable "function equals m-file"  
> requirement.

If you're looking for matlab replacements, I'd recommend GNU Octave.  
It is mostly compatible with matlab syntax, too.




Matthew Vernon MA VetMB LGSM MRCVS
Farm Animal Epidemiology and Informatics Unit
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge

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