[SciPy-user] SciPy Data Analysis Workbench

Robert VERGNES robert.vergnes at yahoo.fr
Wed Jan 17 11:54:25 EST 2007

Nice. I received a lot of answers. so I will try to answer everybody.

i also attached some screenshot of the development version (0.6 actually - I hope to have a more or less workable one at 0.8 by the end of the week... I hope). (openoffice format). Don't get put-off by this early version... I believe the concept is good and help and advise is welcome.

Answer to Stef:
Siglab is really for signal processing only - it seems. But yes, the same can be achieved and more ergonomically. (at least i believe).
RLTool is for scilab. again siclab is environment and my problem is to work around the environment and improve speed of work. so yes if  you know which function you need it is possible to implement easily things for your need as my workbench was design to be flexible in term of variables and parameters for the equations that we use ( ode, FFT or other).
ABout medilab - yes my interface - ultimately will look like that but with a plus - you can manged many datapages and make a dataset(whcih include several datapages) and perfom calcul on the dataset.
So to summarize you have to a datapage - where you have a shell and perform some calcul and you can graph and/load save data. and you have access to a dataset which is a set of your datapage - again with possibility to graph / shell etc...
Some preview attached. I am working to have a alpha version for Monday.

Answer to Ewald:
Yes. i have similar problem. and I need a prog where i can sort my data and try to make faster and easier my work but allowing possibility to use the shell to play with data along with standard function. I have implemented a module base on MathPlot lib so you get graph directly for your publication.

Answer to Paul:
no- I have no real web site (no time)-  In fact the workbench has emerged from a project QME-DEV and so I called it QME-DEV workbench (I had to analyse non linear effect - Quantum Marcroscopic Effects actually hence the name QME-). And my project was about the quantization of some experiments and not about a workbench. But i think it would good for the community to have it. So I would have to change the aim/title of my original project.. unless somebody comes up with a new name ?

I Attached the screenshoots. I do not send anything - it is too buggy for the moment.

If you are interested , please let me have 1) you science orientation (ie what you want from the soft), 2) your python possibility(strength) and I will try to organize something.

We can stay on this mailing list for the time-being. I will try to organize a sourceforge.

PS: if you don't get the attached file i will email to you separately. Contact me at : robert DOT vergnes AT yahoo DOT fr - put in the subject: QME-DEV Workbench
Best Regards,


Stef Mientki <S.Mientki at ru.nl> a écrit : hi Robert,

Robert VERGNES wrote:
> Hello,
> I started to write my own Data Anlysis Workbench based on Scipy and 
> wxpython. (I haven't seen one around?)
You mean something like this ?
or this
or this
  better can you give an impression of what it will look like ?

Yes, I'm working on the last example, replacing MatLab with SciPy.
So I'm definitely interested.

Stef Mientki

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