[SciPy-user] Numpy eBook

Paul Ray paul.ray at nrl.navy.mil
Wed Feb 28 12:15:11 EST 2007

On Feb 28, 2007, at 11:50 AM, scipy-user-request at scipy.org wrote:

> While I'm on the subject, I bought Travis' book early last year. I
> understood that we should have received updates as they became
> available. I never heard or received anything. Have there been any
> updates in the past year or was I left out of the loop? The reason I
> ask this is because I understand there were substantial changes to
> numpy in the road to 1.0. Are these changes documented anywhere other
> than the developers mailing lists?

I got one update in late December 2005, and none since then.  I have  
certainly been hoping for a post-1.0 revision as well.


-- Paul

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