[SciPy-user] scipy.stats.percentileofscore : something strange

Samuel GARCIA sgarcia at olfac.univ-lyon1.fr
Thu Dec 13 04:54:24 EST 2007

Hi all,
I found something strange in scipy.stats.percentileofscore

In [1]: from scipy import *

In [2]: a = rand(10000)

In [3]: stats.percentileofscore(a,.2)
Out[3]: 20.0157565073
         This OK.

In [4]: stats.percentileofscore(a,.0002)
Out[4]: 102.898311442
            This is strange !!!!!

In [5]: stats.percentileofscore(a,1.4)
<type 'exceptions.IndexError'>            Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/sgarcia/<ipython console> in <module>()

/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/scipy/stats/stats.py in
percentileofscore(a, score, histbins, defaultlimits)
    942     cumhist = np.cumsum(h*1, axis=0)
    943     i = int((score - lrl)/float(binsize))
--> 944     pct =
* 100
    945     return pct
<type 'exceptions.IndexError'>: index out of bounds

               This does not work...

Any idea, why ?


Samuel Garcia
Laboratoire de Neurosciences Sensorielles, Comportement, Cognition.
CNRS - UMR5020 - Universite Claude Bernard LYON 1
Equipe logistique et technique
50, avenue Tony Garnier
69366 LYON Cedex 07
Tél : 04 37 28 74 64
Fax : 04 37 28 76 01

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