[SciPy-user] Testing BOF at scipy'07?

Ryan May rmay at ou.edu
Wed Aug 1 14:50:57 EDT 2007

Fernando Perez wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wonder if people would be interested in a little session about
> testing practices at scipy this year.  I know Titus Brown will be
> there for the tutorials, and he's one of the gurus in this topic, I
> don't know if he'll be around for the rest of the week.
> Testing is something that drives me nuts, because I have yet to find a
> workflow that I'm really happy with, so that the friction between
> interactively experimenting with a problem/development and turning
> that work into permanent, solid tests for the life of a code, is
> minimized.  I would thus like to hear from others: experiences,
> tricks, tools, workflow approaches, etc...
> Any takers?  If not a BOF, an informal testing lunch/dinner would also
> be OK with me, even on Tuesday or Wednesday...

Any of the above sounds great to me.  I know personally I need to write
more tests, but I often have no idea even where to start.


Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma

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