[SciPy-user] Webpage

Peter Jensen p.jensen at virgin.net
Thu Sep 28 16:06:50 EDT 2006


I was looking at you list of disadvantages of 
PyLab, and the following point count my attention.

"This is due to not having two in-fix operators to 
represent array multiplication and element-by-element 

I assume that you have had discussion with 
Guido van Rossum about introducing a new 
operator for  element-by-element multiplication 
( i.e .* ), and that that somehow would cause 
problems with the parser. Is that correct ?. 
I can't myself identify the problem.


On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 10:44 -0600, Travis Oliphant wrote:
> Oh yeah!  Here's the link:
> http://www.scipy.org/NumPyProConPage
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