[SciPy-user] additions to signal.ltisys.lti

Ryan Krauss ryanlists at gmail.com
Fri Sep 22 21:32:34 EDT 2006

I don't know if this is a developer question or not.  It isn't
anything hard core developer-ish, so I will start with the regular

I would like to propose the addition of the following methods to
signal.ltisys.lti.  The two lsim ones are just conveinence functions,
but I find the Bode method really useful.
(I may have had to add an import statement for poly1d).

    def Bode(self,f):
        return tf

    def lsim(self, U, T, X0=None, interp=1):
        Y=signal.lsim(self, U, T, X0, interp)
        return Y

    def lsim2(self, U, T, X0=None):
        Y=signal.lsim2(self, U, T, X0)
        return Y

Basically, I am teaching a class with some controls/systems modeling
and want Python to offer most of the same tools for lti's as Matlab's
controls toolbox (eventually).

Any thoughts?


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