[SciPy-user] Installation problems Mac OS X 10.4.7

Wolfgang Keller wolfgang.keller.nospam at gmx.de
Thu Sep 21 14:44:08 EDT 2006


> I've been having precisely the same problem.  As far as I can tell
> there is no way to get the stuff in the superpack working together
> properly.  Numpy and Scipy install fine from it, but the matplotlib
> mpkg in it is broken. 

Strange. As far as I remember, I installed the entire Superpack and it 
worked. At least I have everything here in my site-packages folder. On a 
Powermac G5 with 10.4.7, if that matters.

But, it could be that I had the Matplotlib package from 
macosx10.4.mpkg.zip installed before...


Wolfgang Keller

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