[SciPy-user] wiki

David Linke davidlinke at tiscali.de
Thu Oct 26 14:24:56 EDT 2006

fred wrote:
> Gael Varoquaux a écrit :
>>On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 08:23:24PM +0200, fred wrote:
>>>1) How can I add a page ?
>>>I want to add Cookbook/MayaVi/InstallPythonStuffFromSource page.
>>Just create a link to this page from another one. Then you can click on
>>this link, and edit the blank page.
> Ok, fine.
> I was missing the second ":" in my link.
> Sorry.

This ":" syntax is an experimental syntax in MoinMoin. I am wondering 
why it is used on scipy wiki so often. The standard link to a page with 
a non-wikiname is ["Wikipage"] or [Self:Wikipage Other name for page]. 
The : notation is a replacement for the latter. Yet another way to 
create a page is to go to  http://scipy.org/FindPage and enter the name 
of the new page in the field with the "Go To Page" button (and click the 
bottom ;-)).

>>>2) How can I delete some png image files previously uploaded ?
>>You cannot.
> I only want to upgrade some png file I have uploaded.
> Then, why is there a "delete" item beside images in info page ?

Ask someone listed on http://scipy.org/EditorsGroup to add your name to 
that page.


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