[SciPy-user] Dataframe

Jose Luis Gomez Dans josegomez at gmx.net
Wed Oct 18 17:52:59 EDT 2006

Salut Lionel!

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Where can I find examples for using dataframe? Cookbook is pretty short 
> (http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/DataFrame) and there no documentation in
> the 
> file :-/

I started the wiki page, but I realised that I could throw in some documentation and examples as well. However, I got diverted by work, and I'm not around in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, after that I'll be able to document it properly with examples. I learned by trial and error, and apart from optimisations, it is an excellent module.

Sorry, it's me being slack in updating things!
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