[SciPy-user] pajer at iname.com has sent you a file.

dropload pajer at iname.com
Wed Nov 29 12:46:00 EST 2006

A file named "scipy-0.5.2.dev2331.win32-py2.4.exe" has been placed in a temporary location for you by Gary Pajer (pajer at iname.com). If you trust this person and wish to accept this file, click or paste this link into your browser:


Gary has attached a note:
Scipy for Windows 
(python 2.4.3)

You have 7 days to pick up this file. After 7 days it will be deleted. You can only download the file once, so be sure and save it to your computer rather than playing or running it from the browser.

If you don't know who Gary is, simply ignore this message and the file will be erased.

Dropload stuff for free, http://www.dropload.com

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