[SciPy-user] Installing scipy on x86_64 opensuse 10.1 system

Christian Meesters meesters at uni-mainz.de
Sun Nov 26 11:28:35 EST 2006

> >From digging around a little, it seems the problem is that different
> > Fortran
> compilers use different names for their output routines, and thus leads to
> undefined symbols when you mix code compiled w/ different compilers.  I
> have the
> most recent opensuse blas and lapack's (build 940).
> Is there a way the opensuse people can compile their libraries to get
> around
> this?  Or, if I compile scipy with the same compiler as opensuse uses for
> blas,
> will that fix things?

No idea, but I used the instructions from this blog: 
to build scipy on my SuSE (still 10.0, but AMD 64 as well) and I found the 
compiler settings / flags recommended at 
http://www.scipy.org/Installing_SciPy/BuildingGeneral most helpful (I'm using 
g77 btw.).


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