[SciPy-user] undefined symbol srotmg_

Alainna C. Wonders alainna at pha.jhu.edu
Thu Nov 2 10:02:55 EST 2006


I am having a problem doing an 'import scipy.signal'.  I get the below 
error message:

undefined symbol: srotmg_

I have since installed ATLAS and BLAS, and put symlinks from the source 
lib/include files into /usr/local/lib/atlas as recommended.   To build 
the fortran stuff, I used g77.  I have also set the BLAS and ATLAS environment variables: 

echo $ATLAS

echo $BLAS

I have also rebuilt scipy twice since then and I still get the error. 

The output requested in the INSTALL file for submitting to this list is 
below my name.  

Anyone have any recommendations for how to fix this?  



python -c 'from numpy.f2py.diagnose import run; run()'
2.4.2 (#1, Feb 23 2006, 15:15:06) 
[GCC 3.4.3 20041212 (Red Hat 3.4.3-9.EL4)]
Found Numeric version '23.8' in 
Found numarray version '1.4.1' in 
  PINE 4.44   MESSAGE TEXT                                                  
Folder: sent-mail-oct-2006  Message 174 of 193 END NEW  

Found new numpy version '1.0' in 
Found f2py2e version '2_3396' in 
Found numpy.distutils version '0.4.0' in 
Importing numpy.distutils.fcompiler ... ok
Checking availability of supported Fortran compilers:
customize CompaqFCompiler
customize NoneFCompiler
customize AbsoftFCompiler
Could not locate executable efort
Could not locate executable efc
Could not locate executable efort
Could not locate executable efc
customize IntelFCompiler
Could not locate executable f95
customize GnuFCompiler
customize SunFCompiler
customize NAGFCompiler
customize VastFCompiler
customize GnuFCompiler
customize IbmFCompiler
customize Gnu95FCompiler
customize IntelVisualFCompiler
customize G95FCompiler
customize IntelItaniumFCompiler
Couldn't match compiler version for 'Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for 32-bit 
applications, Version 8.0   Build 20031016Z Package ID: 
l_fc_p_8.0.034\nCopyright (C) 1985-2003 Intel Corporation.  All rights 
customize PGroupFCompiler
customize LaheyFCompiler
customize CompaqVisualFCompiler
customize MipsFCompiler
customize HPUXFCompiler
customize IntelItaniumVisualFCompiler
customize IntelEM64TFCompiler
Couldn't match compiler version for 'Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for 32-bit 
applications, Version 8.0   Build 20031016Z Package ID: 
l_fc_p_8.0.034\nCopyright (C) 1985-2003 Intel Corporation.  All rights 
List of available Fortran compilers:
  --fcompiler=gnu    GNU Fortran Compiler (3.4.4)
  --fcompiler=gnu95  GNU 95 Fortran Compiler (4.0.1)
  --fcompiler=intel  Intel Fortran Compiler for 32-bit apps (8.0)
List of unavailable Fortran compilers:
  --fcompiler=absoft   Absoft Corp Fortran Compiler
  --fcompiler=compaq   Compaq Fortran Compiler
  --fcompiler=compaqv  DIGITAL|Compaq Visual Fortran Compiler
  --fcompiler=g95      G95 Fortran Compiler
  --fcompiler=hpux     HP Fortran 90 Compiler
  --fcompiler=ibm      IBM XL Fortran Compiler
  --fcompiler=intele   Intel Fortran Compiler for Itanium apps
  --fcompiler=intelem  Intel Fortran Compiler for EM64T-based apps
  --fcompiler=intelev  Intel Visual Fortran Compiler for Itanium apps
  --fcompiler=intelv   Intel Visual Fortran Compiler for 32-bit apps
  --fcompiler=lahey    Lahey/Fujitsu Fortran 95 Compiler
  --fcompiler=mips     MIPSpro Fortran Compiler
  --fcompiler=nag      NAGWare Fortran 95 Compiler
  --fcompiler=none     Fake Fortran compiler
  --fcompiler=pg       Portland Group Fortran Compiler
  --fcompiler=sun      Sun|Forte Fortran 95 Compiler
  --fcompiler=vast     Pacific-Sierra Research Fortran 90 Compiler
List of unimplemented Fortran compilers:
  --fcompiler=f  Fortran Company/NAG F Compiler
For compiler details, run 'config_fc --verbose' setup command.
Importing numpy.distutils.cpuinfo ... ok
CPU information: getNCPUs has_mmx has_sse has_sse2 is_32bit is_Intel 
is_Pentium ------

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