[SciPy-user] module with physical constants

James Battat jbattat at cfa.harvard.edu
Tue May 30 10:42:06 EDT 2006

> Hi group,
> I have a background in physics and I find myself repeatedly defining
> things like c=3e8 when I am lazy, or c=299792458 when I need the
> accuracy. It would be nice to do just
> 'from constants import c' and get the correct value without having to
> grab for some handbook of physics and risk a typo.
> I made a small list of things I use myself. I am willing to spend some
> time extending the list with some more commonly used values, but only
> if people here find it useful for inclusion in Scipy. An obvious start
> would be the 'frequently used constants' table from
> Any interest for this or am I wasting my time?

I would also like to see this addition into the scipy distribution.
Including the standard uncertainties (where applicable), would be
desirable as well.


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