[SciPy-user] scipy 0.3.2 versus scipy 0.4.8

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Wed May 17 15:17:10 EDT 2006

> Dear all,
> I'm confused with the Scipy versions and its relationships with Numpy and Numeric. I have understood that the old Scipy (0.3.2 version) use Numeric and the new version (0.4.8) use Numpy.
> But I have a difference of very great speed among them in a script which integrate a ode's system. I have made comparisions with the same script in the same PC. One time I ran using scipy 0.3.2 with Numeric and later I uninstalled scipy and numeric and installed scipy 0.4.8 and numpy 0.9.6 and I run again using the new versions. The first time I take 7 seconds and the other 40 seconds. My question is, Is the old scipy fast than the new scipy? or Do I have any installation problem? However, I have followed the webpages instructions during the installation.
> My script is:
> from scipy import *
> def func(x, t, *args):
> 	xdot = [0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
> 	xdot[0] = + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 
> 	xdot[1] = - (x[1] * beta) + x[4] * beta 
> 	xdot[2] = - (x[2] * beta) + x[5] * beta 
> 	xdot[3] = + x[6] * beta - (x[3] * beta) 
> 	xdot[4] = + alpha0 + (alpha + (x[3])**(n) * alpha1) / ((K)**(n) + (x[3])**(n)) - (k1 * x[4]) 
> 	xdot[5] = + alpha0 + (alpha + (x[1])**(n) * alpha1) / ((K)**(n) + (x[1])**(n)) - (k1 * x[5]) 
> 	xdot[6] = - (k1 * x[6]) + alpha0 + (alpha + (x[2])**(n) * alpha1) / ((K)**(n) + (x[2])**(n)) 
> 	g.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n'%(t, xdot[0], xdot[1], xdot[2], xdot[3], xdot[4], xdot[5], xdot[6]))
> 	return xdot
> t = arange(0, 12.01, 0.01)
> alpha0 = 0.0
> alpha1 = 0.0
> K = 1.0
> beta = 5.0
> n = 2.1
> k1 = 1.0
> alpha = 250.0
> cell = 1.0
> parameters = [alpha0, alpha1, K, beta, n, k1, alpha, cell]
> x_0 = [0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
> g = open('veloc.out', 'w')
> args = (parameters,g)
> for i in range(100):
> 	x = integrate.odeint(func, x_0, t, args)

The speed difference here is very likely related to the fact that 
selection from arrays now returns numpy scalars instead of standard 
Python scalars.   The arithmetic for these scalars is done using ufuncs 
instead of the builtin Python arithmetic.  Since your inner-most 
function uses a lot of scalar arithmetic, I'm pretty sure that that is 
the slow-down. 

The scalar math module in NumPy version 0.9.8 is intended to speed these 
operations up.   Your feedback after making use of the scalarmath module 
will be greatly appreciated.

The scalarmath module still goes through ufuncs for certain mixed-mode 
operations which means that certain commutative operations will be 
slower written one way then the other.  I don't like the current 
situation and am looking for other options.


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